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China SCE Group remitted RMB1.287 billion in advance for the balance payments of ABS principal and interest

On December 8, China SCE Group announced that the company had remitted RMB1.287 billion in advance for the balance payments of ABS principal and interest, which was scheduled to expire on December 20. So far, China SCE Group’s domestic and overseas public debts have been paid as promised during the year, keeping the record of “zero default”.

Looking back to 2022, China SCE Group has continued to improve its debt structure through prudent financial management. After this repayment, the group's domestic and overseas public debts has been fully repaid this year, and the cumulative repayment amount during the year exceeds RMB7 billion. Against the backdrop of liquidity pressure and peak debt repayment in the industry, China SCE Group has fulfilled its capital market commitments with practical actions, helping the company's fundamentals to stabilize and rebound, and further strengthened the Group as a "stable real estate enterprise".